Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Westbrook Civil War Memorial

The Westbrook War memorial located in Riverbank Park is a great sight. It stands alone in the middle of a grassy patch one young soldier stands on top of the monument looking out rifle on his soldier seems to be walking or marching head at an angle looking off to his left.

The soldier himself is cast in bronze and stands on top of a granite structure. In the center of the monument is a plaque on which is written: “Westbrook Honors Her Sons and Daughters Who Strove By Their Loyalty Self-Sacrifice and Devotion to Preserve and Cement the Union in the Days of the Civil War 1861-1865”. It was erected and dedicated in 1917.

As you walk around the statue there is another bronze plaque that reads “The Demands For Loyalty To Our Country Are As Great Upon The Sons As They Were Upon The Sires The Safety Of The Country Lies In The Intelligence The Moral Character The Patriotism Of Her Citizens.” These words are a perfect summation of the atmosphere that the statue allows to those who visit it.

The statue is located in Riverbank Park, on Main Street in Westbrook Maine. its a nice enjoyable visit when its warm!

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