Wednesday, December 14, 2011

York War Memorial

While visiting the First Parish Church and the Old Gaol I Also stopped by the center of the historic section to see the York Civil War monument. I have, it seems been doing a study of different Civil War Monuments in Maine. I chose to highlight this monument because I think it is the nicest of the bunch.

The monument features a soldier leaning on a musket placed on top of a castle like tower. Its base has 2 crossed muskets and the year beginning the war and the year it ended inscribed in the stone in the middle section of the monument: Erected 1906, To Sons of York Who Served, Their Country in Army and Navy, and For Preservation of the Union. It was built and dedicated in 1906.

It is difficult to stand back and admire it because if you do you might get run over y a car. However to see it from afar is just as good. With the large tree standing behind it shading the soldier, and him looking out leaning on a musket you cant help but think about why it was erected, “To Sons of York Who Served”.

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